If you have two points, and periodic boundary conditions, and you want to know the closest distance vector between them, that’s easy to write in python:
If you have a set of, say, 10 points, and you want to know the distance between all 55 pairs of them, that’s still not too complicated:
Note that the above function is really only two lines, yet it has some nice properties:
It takes vectors of any length d
Its vectorized, aside from the splitting by dimension (the list comprehension)
The box size can be a single float, or a vector for rectangular-but-not-square boxes
In Matlab
We can do something similar in Matlab:
The matlab code has about 8 lines to Python’s 2, and also can’t handle non-square boxes, but it is also using vectorized operations and any number of dimensions.
Out of curiosity, I benchmarked these two functions:
Input size (rs)
100 x 3
0.7 ms
2.6 ms
200 x 3
2.5 ms
8.3 ms
500 x 3
18.2 ms
60.8 ms
1000 x 3
83.3 ms
288.0 ms
Matlab clearly has the upper hand, by a factor of ~3.
Python Update
We can also do a nice broadcasting method:
Note that we had to add in a call to np.rollaxis here, which converts diffs
from \(N \times d \times N\) to \(N \times N \times d\), and allows us to broadcast
over the adding L in the case where L is not a scalar.
We can also extend this to a pairwise function for comparing two different sets
of particles:
And if our two pairs of particles may have had a center-of-mass motion that we
want to ignore, we can calculate
where \(\ominus_{\vec{L}}\) means “shortest distance given periodic boundary
conditions in a box of shape \(\vec{L}\),” and \(\vec{\delta}\) is the center-of-mass
motion. It turns out that this is equal to